Leader's Bio:
Michael, Esq. He has been doing NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis
since 1986. Mike has done advanced trainings with Bandler, Grinder,
Dilts, Dobson, and other leading trainers from coast to coast
and internationally. In recent years he has been an active member
of the training team for such institutes as Doug O'Brien and
Associates, The Dynamic Wellness Center, and The Foundation
for Education Administration. Michael's primary hypnotic focus
is Ericksonian. His primary hypnotic influences are David Dobson,
Dr. Tony Scannella, Doug O'Brien and Lynette Peale. Michael
also plans on exploring the world of DHE with the SleepWalkers.
Michael believes that the Sleepwalkers are not only about learning
and mastering hypnosis, but also about exploring what else can
be or become possible using hypnosis and other rapid change