Chad - Treasurer, Trainer & Moderator

Chad has been a working practioner of NLP and Hypnosis for over four
years. He's certified by the ABH, memeber of the NGH and Somnambulistic
Sleepwalkers. He started his training in Ericksonian Hypnosis with Doug
O'Brien and moved on to become a Master Practioner of NLP. Chad has trained
with and learned from Doug O'Brien, Richard Bandler, John LaValle, Johnathan
Altfed, Patrick Porter, Robert Bays, Mark Cunningham, George Bien, Essential
Skills, as well as others through countless books and videos.

Chad specializes in Ericksonian Hypnosis, but incorporates learnings from
many different type of hypnosis styles from traditional to creative NLP
techniques. Chad is trained in NLP, Psycho-lingustics, Ericksonian, Sleight
of Mouth, Timeline Therapy, DHE, and EFT. These techniques have been used to
help many people with weight loss, stop smoking, pain management, stress
relief, accelerated learning, and phobia release.

Chad has worked as an evaluator and a hypno-counseler at Postive Changes,
N. Hadelton, NJ. He can aslo be seen assisting Doug O'Brien at his
Ericksonian Hypnosis courses on occation. His most recent accomplishments
have been becoming an active member of the Somnambolistic Sleepwalkers.

Contact Chad
Sleepwalkers HomePage
