A Special Sleepwalker's Intensive Business Seminar

June 9th

w/ Dena Moscola


Stop Working for someone Else - Take your Hypno Skills to the next Level

Tired of working for someone else?
Would you like to leave that dead-end job and enter a rewarding career
where your efforts are rewarded both financially and mentally?

Dena Moscola, fortune 500 business consultant, motivational speaker
and successful hypnotherapist has prepared this dynamic workshop just for
nlpers, hypnotherapists and alternative healthcare professionals !

In this dynamic, Mind training seminar, Dena will outline the steps required to:

-Start a successful hypnotherapy practice
-Break thru those limiting fears and barriers that keep you from starting
-Develop a go-getters mind set to propell you toward Success
-Eliminate negative money concepts
AND command the money THAT you're WORTH

Our special practice session will include a dynamic mind building conditioning exercise which will install an 'Iron-Will' mental attitude and 'Unstoppable' confidence attitude along with the business building principles to supercharge you on your way to success.

Dena Moscola is an internationally known motivational and business consultant for major corporations on the East Coast. Dena walked out of her limiting 9 to 5 job 6 years ago and has never looked back. She overcame her fears of speaking in public, starting a new venture and influencing others in a way many of us only dream. Dena says, "Every day is a rewarding and exciting undertaking when you have to proper mental outlook. This seminar will launch you on a success track that will propel you to your dreams.."

This Session is imperative for all Sleepwalkers venturing on their own.
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