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THE SPIRIT DEPOSSESSION PAGE spiritdepossession.com Imagine a solid jam-packed week of fun, comraderie and mind conditioning and learning principles set amongs a friendly culture .. where the food is heavenly ... where a few hour bus drive can take you from a bustling city to some of the most pristine and exotic beaches in the world .... A land where all taboos that held you back are meant to be broken. You will learn a phlethora of self mind control and NLP techniques in a seminar like no other you will ever take. Participants keep coming back to this one .. year after year ... and for good cause. How about you. Make that decision today .... bangkokbrain.com Imagine and Evil Vampire who BELIEVE he is heaven and hell's gift to the women on the planet. He's here ... and he shares his often bizarre way of picking up chicks chicks. Maybe this site should really be called ...Even the unearthly dead can teach you to pick up women if you accessorize the right way. Greenwich Village ... it takes in account Soho, The East Village ... Greenwich Village proper.. It iswhere New York happens .... And one of the amazing summer events is the free sea kayaking in the Hudson River. This is the site by residents for residents. Check it out. greenwichvillageresidents.com No one cares about your health as much as you do. Sometimes we forget the medical business is BIG BUSINESS .. pure corporate America at it's finest ......and the industry primarily makes it's money when you are sick. But like many professions, your health is sometimes secondary. This group consists of a church and ministry set up BY Healers for HEALERs ... who believe in the fundamental right of taking control of one's own health using the inherent God-given powers of the mind. Many of us in the healing profession are members. A good resource and the organization is run by Reverend Kevin O'Kane, a lawyer who gave up his practice to do healing work. healingchurch.com So, you want to be a hypnotist? And you can't decide what school or certification training its your needs? Let us help you with this one. The Society of Applied Hypnosis was formed to feel the need after a century of ineffectual hypnosis training courses which were out there which did not teach the hands-on skills. The New York Hypnosis Center took a militaristic approach ... Much like the army's basic training .. and put together this powerful apprentice-like program in response. This program is so successful, many government agencies have stepped in to observe and adopt the style, to integrate into their own programs. If so many people are finding and reporting this program so successful ... and EXPERIENTIAL .. with many unexpected positive behavioral changes being produced in graduates ... isn't this something you would find beneficial in your own life. Check it out. The #1 hands-on Hypnosis Certification training offered under the auspices and always watchful eye of the SAH - Society of Applied Hypnosis. hypnoclass.com hypnosismarketingnews.com The latest news on the hypnosis forefront. The hypnosis marketing news brings the latest hard core, PR, media and marketing tips to help extablish this powerful modality of changework in the publics consciousness.
The New York City Hypnosis Center, often copied .. but never equaled in service. In New York City, the truth is, there is only 2-3 full time hypnosis centers in the entire city. The rest are renting out someone's space 1 or 2 days a week ... or using a group office environment .. renting out the rooms by the hour. Mostly these are part time or hobbyist hypnotists, who have not made the committment to achieving lasting results in people ..... This office is run by John Petrocelli, the founder. known for his committment in working with World Trade Center survivors of which he is one .. tackling alcoholism in his much noted, acknowledged and published study, "Alcoholism, A Case Study of 231 - Treating the Cause .. Not the Symptoms." This is the place New Yorkers turn when they are serious and want a compassion and yet, trained ear. Check out the New York City Hypnosis Center. silvamindcontrolgraduates.com Jose Silva created the Silva Mind Control System which has produced millions of successsful graduates in it's 50 years and is responsible for graduate's ideas in movies like the SECRET. Jose was letting the world in on the secret 50 years ago. This site starts where the class left off. Now that you have learned the techniques, it is time to put your investment into practice. Into making the powerful life changes you want. Whether it is goal setting, losing a few pounds or gaining prosperity. Join the Silva graduates in sustaining Mr. Silva's dream, of making this world a better place for all humanity.
An alternative site to The Society of Applied Hypnosis. This is the industry-acclaimed, #1, hands-on hypnosis training for which the others will be judged. Other hypnosis organizations have knocked this training because their own ineffectual training was not up to par. But the organizers of this training have so much faith in their methods, that 1/2 the way through the first weekend of the seminar, they allow into the class, seasoned veteran hypnotists and place them up against 3 day trainees with volunteer participants off the street who have never been hypnotised before. Guess what? The S.A.H. trainees, not 1/2 the way through the class, have a skill level in getting results that dwarf even 10 -20 year veteran hypnotists who are still operating with a 50 year, behind the times mindset. Check this course out first. I can guarantee you will be more than satified ... even exuberant with the training offered here.
Hypnosis Organizations and hypnosis training certification courses that make the difference.
A fun site. Are their vampires in New York? Some have given that term to some of the vendors that have city contracts? But whatever .. whether they are living blood suckers or the undying dead, this site explores that. Grab some garlic, a wooden steak and a silver bullet, and mosey on over to this site ... if you dare ! GADABOUT-GADDIS.COM Pour yourself a mug of java and come on in. We're all friends here. GADABOUTGADDIS.COM – Hosted
Bangkokbrain.com Seakayaker.com
themadrussianhypnotist.com There is a man who for 16 years, made a small fortune up in the Sleeply Little Town of Brookline MA, who was called by the media, 'The Mad Russian.' People would ride in from all over the U.S. to hear his 1 hour lecture on Smoking or weight loss .. or habits. He would then line them up at the end of the lecture, one by one, ask them their problem, look in their eyes and go "woosh". Then he would send you out the door to a slight, hunched over, elderly Russian woman where you would pay 69 dollars. The Russian Mystique in hypnosis is well known. The widely acclaimed, best selling book, Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain' opened up the world to the Soviet's secret advantage in tapping the powerful resources of the inner mind whether it is in sports, goal setting or learning ... it has become part of their public aura. The Mad Russian builds on that mystique and those two words cause people to drive huge distances with hope that he can help. Of course, he is really of Jewish origin .. but then ... the moniker the Mad Jew doesn't conjure up the same images like Mad Russian of scientists, cold tundra and secret laboratories .... so.... is it marketing ... or not ??? madrussianhypnosis.com Taken from the secret files of Russia's intense work into the subconscious. Mad Russian Hypnosis looks into what at the time, other cultures would have considered mad and we look at today as common place. But we can still learn from Russia and their technological advancements in Mind/Body Research. Check out this website.
New York Hypnosis Center - where New Yorker's go to eliminate their smoking habit .. lose weight ... releave stress ... improve study skills ...develop self confidence ..
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