Okay ... He still lurks in the shadows.
But isn't it cool to know he is there.
He's the one who started the Sleepwalkers Free Hypnosis Chapters,
rattled the hypnosis industry, and brought in a whole new
market of young mind-shapers who had
some dreams, some goals .. and needed
to learn.

This Silva Method Instructor who formed the WTC 9/11 free
toolkit series for survivors like himself who were neglected,
He roamed the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) rooms helping
those who wanted a clear mind and sense of

John's Humanistic Hypnosis
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The National Guild of Hypnotists
The Society of NLP
The Society of Applied Hypnosis
A.C.H.E. Hypnosis

The Hypnosis Center
The Silva Method
NY Hypnosis Center - Barry Seedman
The Achievment Center - George Bien
Doug O'Brien & Associates

Certified Hypnotist / Hypnotherapist
Certified NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programmer
Certified 5-PATH Hypnotherapist
Certified Humanistic Hypnotherapist
Certified Silva Lecturer

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist

Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist